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As you surely know, the United States elected Barack Obama as its new president yesterday. The talk is mainly centered around his status as the first African-American elected to the role and how Obama will handle U.S. affairs.

ReligionTranscends wonders: How will Obama’s presidency be perceived by various religious folk? What do conservative evangelical Christians think? What about Jews? Muslims?

The pope sent his well wishes to the president-elect earlier today.

According to exit polls, 78% of Jewish voters voted for Obama, despite some Jewish voters’ worries about Obama’s ideas about Israel.

Syrian journalist Thabet Salem told Reuters Africa that the Arab world is happy about Obama’s victory:

“Not because he won but because it meant that President George W. Bush, who is regarded as a bloodsucker, and his clique, were gone,” he said.

On the other hand, some evangelical Christians worry that Obama may be “an ultra-liberal dressed up in moderate, soothing garb.”

What do you think? Coming from your religious background (or lack of a religion, if it may be so), how do you feel about Obama’s election?

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