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  • My new Twitter handle is now live - check me out at @jackiewgibson!

  • CNN has posted a history of bias against Sikhs - more reason for people to learn about religions before they attack anyone:...

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  • Sikh temple shooting unfolding, learn about Sikhism here:

  • Hackers group Anonymous takes down Vatican website:

  • WGN-TV calls doomsday prophecies "an illusion":

  • RT @graceishuman: Really,? Asking people JUST LEAVING the service how they felt about it? Tacky, tacky, inappropriate

  • Whitney Houston's funeral service really took the world to church. Love Pastor Winans' honesty, very moving.

  • #teacher ? Here are appropriate responses to situations with your Jehovah's Witness student:

  • #Teachers: Want to know why your Jehovah's Witness student won't say the pledge and how to respond?

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America has elected an African-American president.

Will cardinals elect an African-American pope next?

Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory of Atlanta told the UK Times that the current pope has suggested electing a black pope would send the world a “splendid signal.”

Gregory is originally from Chicago (like Obama) and became the first black man to oversee the U.S. Bishops Conference in 2001.

Rumor had it that, after the death of Pope John Paul II in 2005, the cardinals would elect a new pope from Africa. Instead, they elected Ratzinger, the German-born cardinal who became Pope Benedict XVI.

When Benedict passes on, will the conclave choose a black man to replace him? Gregory thinks it could happen, since the conclave picks the person who is best for the job and does not base its decision on race.

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