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John McCain’s presidential campaign is running an ad that mocks Barack Obama, calling him “The One.” The ad, which features comparisons to Moses, plays off evangelical Christian fears that Barack Obama might be the antichrist foreshadowed in the Book of Revelation (in the Bible).

As Revelation explains, the antichrist would be human but would have a demonic spirit – and he would be praised by society.

This depiction of the antichrist was used in the Christian fiction series, Left Behind, developed by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. In that series, the antichrist (whose name is Nicolae Carpathia in the books) is a politician who becomes an international figure, slowly gaining power and taking over the world.

In an interview with LaHaye, the author debunked the idea that Obama is the antichrist, stating, “”The antichrist isn’t going to be an American, so it can’t possibly be Obama. The Bible makes it clear he will be from an obscure place, like Romania.” 

Regardless, e-mails are circulating through some evangelical circles describing the antichrist – and clearly pointing to the idea that Barack Obama fits the description. Read one of the fear-inducing e-mails here.

The McCain campaign claimed they were only poking fun at the senator’s speaking style.

See the ad for yourself here.


What do you think? Is the ad playing off evangelicals fears? Or is it just being playful? Is the idea of Obama as antichrist silly or legit?

Learn about evangelicalism on Religion Transcends.


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2 Responses to “Evangelicals Fear Obama Is Antichrist”

  • admin:

    Thanks for your comment, Marion B!

    It certainly seems like tactics are being used to demonize the other. Regardless of whose campaign this type of attack comes from, it should be called out. The whole purpose of this site is to educate ourselves about the other, whomever that might be for us, so that we don’t demonize them but come to understand them.

    Your comment shows another great example of how this has happened in history — and how NOT to spread a rumor.


  • Well… at least they haven’t called him the Boogyman – yet! :-) Black males have been demonized throughout American history. Unfortunately, I think we brothas become immune, but enjoy proving such attacks absurd.

    Example. The U.S. military issued propaganda to spread rumors to suggest that Black American male soldiers were half human and half ape/monkey…They even went so far as to suggest that these Black American soldiers possessed monkey tails under their uniforms!!! By promoting these vicious and unfounded lies the guilty parties thought that they would scare White European women from seeking these “savages”…But like the old saying goes curiosity is what killed the cat and in this case that is what literally happened!!! ;-)

    Now, think about John McCains recent ad that states, “hot chicks love Obama;” what’s the political correlation? Absolutley none – except to instill FEAR. I hope this tidbit was helpful

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