Religion Posts

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On January 27, 2008, Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley died at the age of 97.

Yesterday, the Church of Latter-Day Saints (nicknamed the “Mormon Church”) named Thomas S. Monson, 80, as the new president. Monson will be the 16th president and will remain in his office until his death, as is expected of all LDS Church presidents. He takes over at a time when Mormons seem to be getting more press than usual (with Mitt Romney’s candidacy in the presidential race) and when the LDS Church seems to be growing rapidly.

Mormon presidents have a lot of “say” and a lot of power over adherants. They are considered prophets and thus have the ability to change church laws and direct LDS beliefs. In the past, presidents have outlawed polygamy and allowed African Americans into the church. They have also published a number of revelations directing the belief system of followers.

To learn more about Mormons, check out one of my previous posts explaining the religion here, and watch for my upcoming article about the LDS Church in the winter issue of Relate magazine.

(Pictured above: Monson, at the time he was a first counselor to Hinckley; Hinckley, center, during his presidency; James Faust, right, the second counselor to Hinckley)

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